In the digital age, learning to program has become an indispensable skill, and among all programming languages, JavaScript has earned a special place. From creating dynamic websites to developing mobile apps, JavaScript is the lifeblood of modern programming. Best of all, you don’t need to spend a fortune to learn it. Today, there are numerous free online JavaScript courses that will allow you to master this language from the comfort of your home.

In this post, we present you the best free JavaScript courses you can find on the internet. These courses range from basic to advanced levels, so whether you are a beginner or already have some experience, you will find the perfect course for you.

Codecademy is a platform known for its hands-on approach to learning programming. The JavaScript course for beginners is ideal if you have never written a line of code before.

Why choose this course?

  • Interactivity: you will not only read about JavaScript, but also write code from day one.
  • Hands-on approach: each lesson includes interactive exercises that allow you to apply what you have learned immediately.
  • Clear structure: the course is divided into modules covering the fundamentals of JavaScript, from variables to functions and objects.

Codecademy allows you to follow the course for free, although it also offers a pro version with more resources. If your goal is to get a solid foundation in JavaScript, this course is the perfect place to start.

FreeCodeCamp is a free platform dedicated to teaching people from all over the world how to program. The Modern JavaScript course is one of the most comprehensive courses you can find on the web, covering both basic and advanced concepts.

What makes FreeCodeCamp special?

  • Real projects: In addition to learning the theory, you will work on real projects such as calculators or quote generators, which will help you build a solid portfolio.
  • Free certification: by completing this course, you will obtain a certification at no cost, which is a great plus for your professional profile.
  • Active community: FreeCodeCamp has a global community of developers who are willing to help you and share their knowledge.

This course is an excellent choice if you are looking to learn JavaScript in a deep and practical way, and it will also allow you to move on to other languages or technologies once you complete it.

Mozilla Developer Network is one of the most trusted sources for learning all things related to web development. Their JavaScript Basics course is a free resource that will guide you through the essential concepts of the language.

Benefits of choosing MDN:

  • Official documentation: MDN is widely used by professional developers, so you will learn directly from a reliable source.
  • Comprehensive approach: although this is a basic course, it covers all the necessary aspects to start working with JavaScript.
  • Clear and concise examples: each concept is accompanied by practical examples that will help you better understand how JavaScript works.

This course is ideal if you prefer to learn on your own, reading and experimenting with the code on your own. In addition, you will be able to refer to the official JavaScript documentation as you progress in your learning.

Udacity offers an Introduction to JavaScript Course that is aimed at people who are just starting out in the world of programming. Although Udacity is known for its paid programs, this specific course is completely free.

What does Udacity offer?

  • Project focus: from the very beginning, you will be encouraged to work on small projects that will consolidate your coding skills.
  • Support and community: although not as large as other platforms, Udacity has a student forum where you can ask questions and receive guidance.
  • Experienced teachers: the course is created by industry professionals, so you will learn from experts with real industry experience.

If you are looking for a well-structured course with a focus on creating projects from scratch, Udacity is an excellent choice.

W3Schools is one of the oldest and most popular websites when it comes to learning web development. Their JavaScript tutorial is an incredibly valuable resource for beginners looking for a simple and clear introduction.

W3Schools features:

  • Step-by-step guides: each topic is explained concisely, followed by code examples that you can test directly in the browser.
  • Online editor: one of the great advantages of W3Schools is its integrated code editor. You can write and run your code on the same page.
  • Constant revision: W3Schools keeps its content up to date, which ensures that you will be learning the latest JavaScript features.

This course is perfect for those who prefer to learn at their own pace and experiment with the code directly in the browser.

Edx is an educational platform that collaborates with universities around the world to offer free courses. Their comprehensive JavaScript course is a fantastic option if you want an academic approach to your learning.

Why choose Edx?

  • Collaboration with universities: this course is created in collaboration with renowned institutions, which guarantees a high quality of content.
  • Optional certification: although the course is free, you can obtain an official certification by paying a small fee.
  • Additional material: in addition to the videos and exercises, you will have access to additional readings and resources that will help you deepen your understanding of the language.

Edx is an excellent choice if you are interested in a more academic and structured approach to your learning process.

Although Platzi is a paid platform, it does offer some free courses, such as its basic JavaScript course. This course is designed for those who have no previous programming experience and want to start from scratch.

Advantages of Platzi:

  • Focus on Latin America: if you prefer to learn in Spanish and with an approach adapted to the region, Platzi is a great option.
  • Experienced teachers: Platzi courses are taught by professionals who understand the needs of the market.
  • Constant interaction: although it is a free course, you will be able to interact with other students and participate in the Platzi community.

This course is perfect if you are looking for an accessible introduction to the world of JavaScript development.

Learning JavaScript is an investment in your professional future, and the best part is that you don’t need to spend money to do it. With these free JavaScript courses, you can start your path to becoming a web developer without spending a dime. Whether you prefer a more hands-on approach, such as Codecademy and FreeCodeCamp, or an academic course like those from Edx or Udacity, you have multiple resources at your disposal to master this powerful programming language.